I thought I would switch things up with this blog post and tell you some things you probably don’t know about me! I don’t always talk about myself but I want you to know a little bit about me. Author Brene Brown says “We share with people who’ve earned the right to hear our story.” You’re kind enough to read my blog and my weekly newsletters so I think you’ve earned the right to hear my story! Thank you for being on this journey with me! I will go ahead and dive right in!
1) I love Macaroni and Cheese and Pizza.
Not together though! That sounds healthy, doesn’t it?! Nothing classy, just keep it simple! I love straight Kraft Mac and Cheese. You know the cheap stuff you ate as a kid? Yep, I still like it, but I only eat it when I am running regularly (otherwise it’s too darn fattening. As far as pizza goes, I believe it’s in my DNA. My dad loves pizza and I guess he passed it down to me. I love pizza from fast food type places (like Dominoes and Pizza Hut) to grocery store frozen pizza (like Digorno with Chorizo and peppers), and also a pizza that I make at home. Matter of fact I make my pizzas more than I go out to get them. I use English muffins, pitas, or tortillas to make them myself. I throw marinara sauce, cheese, crushed red pepper and Jalapeno’s on it and call it good!
2) The second thing you likely don’t know about me is I am an introvert.
I am such an introvert, it’s crazy. I can spend so much time by myself because it helps me to regenerate. After a day at work or being around people all day, I need to have some quiet time to myself. That’s when my creativity and energy come back to me! When I am away for a few days for a conference), I often try to sneak away for 30 minutes to an hour just to reconnect with myself. It helps me to feel grounded!
3) Did you know, I am an avid reader and consumer a lot of content?
Ever since I was a kid I have loved to learn. Here is the ironic thing, I sucked at school. I had to work 10 times harder than everyone else just to get a decent grade. Even though I struggled at school, I always thought I would be a lifelong student of learning. Now I read all the time, listen to audio books, watch YouTube videos and listen to podcasts. I just can’t seem to get enough knowledge and information!
4) I don’t watch much television but when I do its peer drama!
Real Housewives? Bring it on. There’s something so weird about the fact that I watch the Real Housewives series. There is so much drama it’s ridiculous. The stuff they do to each other, I would never put up within my life. So why do they allow it? I am addicted and always watch it anyway. My favorite series is Real Housewives of Orange County!
5) One time a year I go camping by myself.
I used to think it was weird but now I find great solace in it! Every year I take up to 10 days and go camping in Lake Chelan, Washington. My family started doing this over 20 years ago. I love the lake and find it so peaceful. Nowadays the family doesn’t go with me, or if they do, they stay in a hotel room. That’s not roughing it! After I got divorced was the first time, I tried camping alone. I tried it because I didn’t want to give up the tradition. I have found it’s good to go it alone because I find myself again and get centered. It’s also very empowering!
6) I only quote old movies lol.
I used to spend hours and hours a day watching television and movies. I was constantly renting movies from Red Box or buying them. I think I got a movie addiction from my mom! Now I rarely see a movie at the theaters or on DVD. I am left with old movie quotes (usually from movies with Owen Wilson or Vince Vahn)! I am probably a good 5 solid years behind on my movies. My friends love to tease me about that!
7) I paid off $106,00 in debt.
Yes, you read that right, I paid off $106,000 in debt by going through Financial Peace University and then I went on to be a certified Financial Coach Master Trainer. Both programs were through Dave Ramsey. Paying off debt helped me to get control of my life and take action.
8) I meditate and visualize daily.
One of the first things I do every morning is visualizing what I want for 5 minutes in as much detail as possible. I did this with my first marathon and am a firm believer it’s what helped me to complete it! After 5 minutes of visualization, I do 5 minutes of meditation. My meditation is silence. When my thoughts drift off, I try not to judge myself and say back to center. I feel much more at peace during the day, when I have meditated in the morning. 9) I ran a half marathon without training for it.
Last November I ran a Half-Marathon in Las Vegas, on the strip. I signed up for it with friends and family but told them I couldn’t do it because I had a slipped disc. Up until that point, I had been struggling to run a mile. One of my friends had agreed to run the half-marathon, and she hadn’t run one before. Through a series of crazy circumstances, I ended up running the half-marathon with zero training. We figured we would just do what we could do, and at least try. We used a method of running for 5 minutes and walking for 1 minute. We finished the half marathon and it felt great. It was a great reminder that your mental game is so much more important than the physical endurance that we believe is required to run.
10) I knew very little about the internet before starting a blog.
Before I started this blog I knew the internet basics (like how to use Google and Amazon, and I barely knew how to use Facebook). I learned so much by taking one step at a time. Getting my actual blog set up was painful, but once it was done, it was done. My advice to you is to set a goal and don’t worry if you don’t know how to accomplish it. Learn 1 thing at a time and then ask yourself what’s the next step I need to learn. We are so blessed to be in a day and age with Google, YouTube, etc. Use the internet to your advantage!
What is something that most people don’t know about you? Let me know in the comments below or shoot me an email and tell me!
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Really enjoyed reading your list of 10 things. I’m not a writer or should I say speller so this is nothing I would find myself doing. Wonderful about the dept paid off and just one question, how long did it take? lol
Hey there! I am not great at grammar either, there is a free app called Grammarly which really helps! It took me just under 2 years to pay off the debt! It felt like a weight was lifted off my shoulders once it was paid off!