Are you ready for the down and dirty truth about rumors and gossip? Lean in friend, I will tell you more. The truth is words have power. Take a second to think about what you say before you say it. When you hear words coming out of someone else’s mouth, take a second to digest […]
How I trained for my 1st marathon, and how you can too!
Have you ever set an exercise goal, but weren’t able to hit it? If so, I can totally relate. That’s what I did with running. I set a goal to run a marathon when I had never even run a race before. Matter of fact, I wasn’t even a runner. Crazy right?! Before we get […]
Don’t Believe the lies you tell yourself Challenge!
Hey Friend, So today is going to be a little bit different than the regular blog post. We are going to talk about the 14-day challenge which will be held in our Facebook group. The challenge is titled Don’t believe the lies you tell yourself. 14 days is the amount of time it is said […]
4 Reasons I want you to fail!
Dear Badass, I want you to fail today! When you hear the words fail or failure, what do you think? If I asked you to fail, would you cringe? I want you to build up your failure backbone. The strongest and most successful people that I know, become okay with failure. Matter of fact they […]
Get rid of indecision once and for all!
“I don’t know. What do you think? Oh, you can decide.” Do you find yourself repeatedly defaulting to other people, to make decisions for you? Why is that? If these have become your go to responses, I want you to examine why that is. When did you start doing this or have you always let […]
The 50% Rule
When it comes to accomplishing your goals, do you feel like you are in quicksand? Like everything is so hard, and you aren’t gaining any traction? If so, I gotchu! The 50% rule is here to help you take your game to the next level. Before I explain the 50% rule, I have got to […]
Your Anthem, Your Power
Hey Friend, Have you ever felt like life just punched you in the gut? You went all in, and things didn’t turn out the way you thought they would. Maybe you were going for a promotion and didn’t get it, or someone in your life treated you badly. And you thought, why me? I get […]
Lead like a Woman
Hey Friends. How have you been since the last post? Have you noticed any negativity in your life? Have you taken any action to stop it from continuing? While I don’t wish that energy vampire on anyone, I know that it is easy to get sucked into and it takes time to get out of […]
Negativity: The energy vampire!
Hey friends, how did last week go? Did you learn anything from Malala Yousafzai that you could apply to your own life? If you felt inspired by something she did, take action now! You are a strong woman, I can’t wait to see what you create in this lifetime! Today I want to dive into […]
The Power of One
Malala Yousafzai Hey Friend, How are you? I hope you are taking care of yourself and your mental health. I want you to show up as the best version of you. In order to do that you have to take care of yourself! I believe there is much to be learned from the women around […]