Gather – Norfolk Dan Woerheide
About Dan Woerheide
Dan Woerheide (war-heide-e) is a transformation coach and marketing enthusiast, who is passionate about helping others break the barriers that are holding them back from achieving more in their businesses and their lives. He is the founder of ProGrowthVA and host of the ProGrowth Podcast. His mission is to “help more people better” and his unique background includes Army Veteran, former StoryBrand Certified Guide, former Ramsey Solutions Master Financial Coach, 48 Days Seminar Facilitator, and 48 Days Coaching Mastery student. He enjoys most anything and everything outdoors (especially if it involves the beach or is near the water) and is still determined to learn how to surf… In this episode, Dan share’s how to avoid being boxed in by society’s expectations of you.
Listen to the episode here!
Three Takeaways from this episode!
1- Everything you want is on the other side of action.
2- What are three good things that happened to you today? How can you replicate them tomorrow?
3-Don’t get boxed in by other peoples expectations of you!
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Your guide to this episode
2:33 Dan answers if he is ordinary or Badass.
8:22 Dan tells us a little bit about himself!
11:14 Hear how Dan figured out what he wanted to do after leaving the military. As a result of leaving the military Dan figured out what he was truly passionate about.
15:25 The quote “Everything you want to do is on the other side of fear” was altered by Dan. He says “Everything you want to do is on the other side of action.”
20:06 Dan shares what he means by don’t get boxed in. This is important because we often don’t challenge the status quo and as a result we stay in jobs that we don’t love.
25:28 What should you do if you aren’t happy with your job?
30:30 What can you expect from a mastermind.
39:15 Create a practice of identifying three good things in your day and how you can replicate those things the following day.
Contact Dan on Instagram at @Dan_woerheide
Check out Dan’s Podcast Pro Growth podcast
Connect with Dan on his website or join is his mastermind.
If you Liked this then Check out That!
If you liked this episode of the podcast “Don’t get boxed in by other people’s expectations of you” make sure to check out this podcast episode “The People-Pleasers Guide to Loving Others While not Losing Yourself.”
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