About Afsheen Shah
Afsheen is a coach who guides female executives who want to escape the chaos of their corporate career and live the life they were meant to.
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Three Takeaways from this episode!
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Your guide to this episode
2:26 Afsheen answers if she is ordinary or Badass.
08:03 Here’s one thing you can do when you’re working in a job where your always wanting to escape the chaos.
12:40 Take a lesson from your dogs, so you can stop to smell the roses.
17:36 Start following through on what you say you’re gonna do, so you can rebuild trust with yourself!
22:14 How comparing yourself to your co-workers can lead to burnout!
27:02 Others may look at you differently and think you’re weak when you make a change, but actually it takes strength.
32:18 What you were told as a kid may be what you’re saying to yourself as an adult.
37:47 If you are trying to change the chaos in your life, and try a new career, others may resist that idea. It may come from love but realize it could also come from a place of fear.
43:23 Afsheen references a quote “You always see on the outside of another person what you think you’re missing on the inside. “
50:47 Read Afsheen’s favorite book Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill. FYI it’s also on YouTube!
Contact Afsheen on her website at www.afsheenshah.com
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If you liked this episode of the podcast “Escape the Chaos” make sure to check out this blog article “The Body Mind and Spirit Connection.”
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