About Leah LeRae
Leah LeRae has her own business and podcast called Shine Strong. Leah helps early-stage businesses use what they’ve got RIGHT NOW to make the most impact, to serve with gratitude, and ask the right questions to ensure motivation is aligned with the people they’re serving.
Listen to the episode here
Three Takeaways from this episode!
1) Ask for what you want and you will get it! Too often we don’t ask for what we want but then we are upset when we don’t get it…start asking!
2) Leah said if you’re attracted or attached to someone because they have an easy button, they are probably to good to be true. Listen to your gut instinct! The only thing that is going to make your situation easier is you!
3) You know how to sell. The only time it’s sleazy is if you’re doing it with bad intentions. I believe it’s the same with anything, you have to put in the hours and the practice to get comfortable with it!
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Your guide to this episode
1:07 Leah answers if she is Ordinary or Badass.
3:04 Leah tells us a little bit about herself!
8:06 We talk about the Enneagram and The Road Back to You
14:11 What Leah is most proud of accomplishing-Changing her life and environment!
21:43 How to stop associating your self-worth, with your accomplishments!
39:29 How to get over mom guilt
48:17 Ask for what you want!
58:48 Overcoming Obstacles
Books Leah Recommends!
Struggle Well- Ken Faulke and Josh Goldberg
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself-Joe Dispenza
Managing Oneself- Peter F Drucker
Man’s Search For Meaning- Victor Frankl
YouTube video Sean Croxton- Why you Sabotage yourself!
Contact Leah on Instagram @ShineStrongpodcast and on
Linkedin @leahlerae
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If you liked this episode of the podcast “Ask For What You Want” make sure to check out this podcast episode “Using Grit to Show Up As An Author.“