Who else wants to crush their debt and secure their financial future?
Attention adult women who want to dissolve debt and set themselves up for financial success.
Scroll to the bottom of the page to discover ways we can work together!
The frustration is real.
If you’ve ever thought-like most financial experts I know- that managing your money shouldn’t be so hard…Now you know the truth because you are right.
The financial system has been rigged against you…
-If you hate math.
-If you suck at budgets.
-If you’re more creative than analytical.
There’s a reason why you’ve struggled to create or stick to a budget, and I wanna show you an exclusive system that makes budgeting and getting out of debt easy.
This Color-Coded Debt Reduction System will propel you out of debt quickly and set you up for financial success.
Does this sound like you?
This Exclusive Color-Coded Debt reduction system can help you:
If you’ve struggled to pay off debt,
If you have a have ever missed a payment on a bill,
if you don’t know what to do to turn your situation around,
If you lie in bed at night worrying about your financial future.
And still don’t know what to do, then you’re about to learn life changing information that will change your financial situation forever. Here’s why….
The Color-Coded Debt Reduction System will transform the way you think of a budget and set you up for financial success. Using this system, you will discover:
How to create a plan for your financial future that’s not restrictive or devoid of the things you want.
You deserve to feel good splurge sometimes.
How to create a budget easily, without being good with numbers. This new approach to budgeting will make it feel more light, creative, and fun.
You’ll learn how to create a Color-Coded Budget which focuses on color’s more than numbers.
The single most important thing to do when you want to get out of debt.
Don’t do this alone. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting a different result so change the way you’re doing things, and don’t struggle with your finances alone.
But wait there’s more….
Dave Ramsey & Suze Orman teach similar methods, but there’s one thing they forgot!
They forgot how to make budgeting easy enough so anyone can understand! Numbers aren’t for everyone. Here’s why…
-Financial numbers can cause stress, whereas colors can create a feeling of calmness in the body.
-Numbers can trigger insecurities about math and make you feel stupid.
-Focusing on the amount of debt you’re in can create apprehension and fear, leaving you feeling paralyzed.
-Numbers are analytical, strict, and heavy, whereas colors help you to feel free and light.
The financial Industry doesn’t know it all. Let me give you the real scoop…
Clearly the financial industry doesn’t have it all figured out. It’s about time we looked at other industries who Color-Code and take a page out of their playbook and apply it to finances.
-The food industry
But there is a solution…
That’s where the Color-Coded Debt Reduction System comes in! You’ll create a budget using colors more than numbers. When executed properly you’ll be a debt elimination machine. Why don’t more people know about this?
How a girl who hated math paid off $106,000 in just under 2 years.
I’ve been where you are and know what you are going through. When I think back to being $106,000 in debt, I cringe hard. Not because I was in debt but because I focused on:
-The lack of money in my bank account.
-All of the things that I had done wrong.
-What I didn’t have as opposed to what I did have.
Many of us are taught to STOP overspending, but there’s a problem, IT’S A LIE!
So I devoted many long hours to becoming a financial coach and I want to help you apply the Color-Coded Debt Reduction System so you can step into financial freedom.
Want to know what I learned? Sign up for Badass Money School so you can tackle your financial goals in 2022.
What others have to say:
Marie Showed me a plan to pay off my debt and within a few years, I paid off my mortgage too! Now I am excited about retirement instead of dreading it!
By using the Color-Coded Debt Reduction System you’ll discover:
-The three financial mistakes that are holding you back from paying off debt.
-Americans spend $237 a month on subscription services. You’ll learn a quick trick on how you can eliminate these services.
-What to do when you hate budgeting and why the Color-Coded Budget is beneficial. If you get this wrong, you may never create a budget again.
-Paying over the minimum balance on several bills is a good way to pay off debt, right? Wrong!
-Create a budget on the same date and time every month and put schedule it in your calendar. This will create a habit of budgeting and prevent you from falling behind each month.
I’ll be there with you every step of the way. You can watch videos in the course, or you can attend live for the weekly calls and ask any questions that you have.
Is it worth it?
Should you invest in a program or go it alone? You can do it alone, but the results may not be as quickly as you’d like them. By listening to someone who has gone before you and paid of debt it accelerates the process.
What if you could pay off $106,000 in two years, what would that be worth to you?
Will this work for you?
-You have been coloring since you were a toddler, believe me, it comes more natural to you! This system was made simple to take the numbers out of it.
–100% money-back guarantee: You have 30 days to determine if this is for you. If you don’t like it, then you’ll get your money back no questions asked.
How can we work together?
-Click here for a quick 15-minute call so we can discuss your options.
-Click here for One-on-One coaching.
-DIY- A short video course if you are a do-it-yourself kinda girl. Click here.
-Badass Money School- Current waiting list.
Take action now!
Click one of the links above today to decimate your debt and take a step towards financial freedom.
PS If you’re ready to start dissolving your debt, I can help you create a plan for your future. This will leave you feeling at ease and excited about your financial future. Click one of the links above to find out more!