Hey Friend,
Have you ever felt like life just punched you in the gut? You went all in, and things didn’t turn out the way you thought they would. Maybe you were going for a promotion and didn’t get it, or someone in your life treated you badly. And you thought, why me? I get it, I have been there, and I’m sorry that happened to you. Rather than dwell in this moment, do something about it. It’s time to stand back up and fight, figuratively that is. You can do so, by creating an Anthem. Creating an anthem is useful, because it can put you in a better mood, help you to feel empowered, and it can create parameters for the life you live.
Before we talk more about creating your anthem, I have gotta know…. how are you? I hope all is well in your world! I wonder if you have taken a step to become a leader. Remember, the world needs you and your unique talents and experiences. Enough said. Today I would like to talk about creating your anthem. it can be incredibly powerful when you are down in the dumps or just need a pick me up.
According to Google, Anthem is “a rousing or uplifting song identified with a particular group, body, or cause.” Now I’ll tell ya, I can’t sing worth a lick, but that’s okay. I still enjoy creating something that is inspirational and lifts me up. When I think of an Anthem, I think of Racheal Platton’s Fight song. She says “This is my fight song, take back my life song. Prove I’m alright song.” Sometimes when I feel down and defeated, I will play that song. Have you ever heard that song on the radio, and turned it up and belted out? If you’re anything like me, it made you feel better afterwards. There is something to be said about powerful words and phrases that we say or sing.
I recently was feeling a little down and didn’t want to feel that way. Without really thinking about it I picked up my journal and created an Anthem. It doesn’t have to be sung, to be empowering. Anyway, I wrote down everything I could think of, that was the opposite of how I was feeling. The opposite of the self-talk I was using. I wrote down things that I knew to be true deep down and also things that I wanted to be true. It got me out of the drudgery of negative self-talk and into feeling empowered. I will show you examples a few paragraphs down.
An anthem can be strong and empowering; It moves you away from the victim mentality and towards the survivor mentality. If you are stuck in the mindset of feeling sorry for yourself it makes it hard to move on and move up. If, however you use your struggles to propel you forward it makes you stronger and it helps to get your focus on something positive. You have control over your emotions, not what other people do to you. Other people can do horrible things, but what matters is how you react to it! This is your chance to take control.
An anthem also creates parameters or healthy boundaries for your life. It can remind you of what you will and won’t put up with. It can remind you of your value and worth when you can’t see it for yourself. When in doubt and you need guidance, pull out that dang Anthem. Life is not perfect and you will not be happy all of the time. Creating things like an Anthem or a Mantra are great because they help you to get out of your own way. They trick your brain into positive thinking. Your journey to self-improvement, or happiness will be an ongoing thing, so when you find something that helps, use it!
I truly forgot the power of an anthem. I wrote it randomly as I was sitting down, and days later I coincidentally ran into an old one I had written years before. Here are anthems I have written.
Anthem #1
(Enter your name) You are strong. Don’t let anyone tell you different. Don’t doubt yourself or the decisions you have made. Everything happens for a reason (even if you don’t understand it yet).
You left an unhappy and unhealthy________ (Insert situation i.e. job, relationship, marriage, friendship). You rarely felt happy or secure.
You are stronger than most, quit making excuses and do what needs to be done. Stop caring what others think of you and your situation.
Be honest with yourself and others.
You don’t need to act ____ (insert feeling or behavior i.e. tough) to fit in. At your core you love like no other, yet you put your walls up to protect yourself. You fit in anywhere, but people like you best when you are just being you. Fight for the life that is yours and the one you deserve.
You are beautiful as you are. Quit criticizing every little thing about yourself or every feature. Your _____(insert body part) face/body isn’t going to change. Own who you are and quit being so critical of yourself. Yah, you may get rid of a zit or a minor blemish, but overall you are going to remain the same. So, love it. You didn’t like yourself when you were ________insert what you didn’t like, i.e. overweight), but now that you have _______(insert situation ie lost the weight, gotten plastic surgery) you’re still hard on yourself. What’s the excuse now? If not now then when? Love yourself right now, right where you are.
Quit avoiding pictures and videos of yourself because you don’t like how you look. Life only happens once. You only get one shot at this time of your life. Take a picture. Remember it. Embrace it.
Be the coach/support for others that you wish you had for yourself.
Stop looking like everyone else. Be you. That is where your strength is.
No matter what I am enough. Everything I do is enough.
Anthem #2
I am going to be a great leader.
I will create greatness in my life.
I am tired of playing small and doing what others want me to do.
I will not bend in my mission, and my core values will remain intact.
I love my life and what I have created.
Nothing and nobody can stop me.
I will work harder than anyone else.
I will be a champion for the truth and for what is right.
I will empower women to be their badass selves.
My possibilities are endless.
I will find the perfect partner and have the life of my dreams.
I will live debt free
My future is in my hands!
Print out your Anthem that you wrote to yourself and put it somewhere you can review it often. Or consider putting it somewhere that you can access it when you are feeling down. I truly hope the anthems (or the one you created) helps you and empowers you like it did for me.
Here are a few examples of Anthem type songs that you can listen to for empowerment!
Examples of Anthem Songs
- Christina Aguilera- Fighter (alternate Beautiful)
- Titanium- David Guetta and Sia
- Shania Twain- Man! I feel like a woman
- Fight Song-Racheal Platton
- Meghan Trainor- No Excuses
- Cyndi Lauper- Girls Just wanna have fun
- Alicia Keys-Superwoman (alternate Girl on Fire)
- Gwen Stefani- Hollaback girl
- Kelly Clarkson-Miss Independent
- Pink- Just like Fire
Next week we will be talking about the 50% rule. Mel Robins has a 5 second rule and I have a 50% rule.
Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think of the idea of creating an Anthem. If you created one or applied one to your life I would also love to know.
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