Is this episode foryou?
If you’ve ever wanted to consistently attract more money into your life than this episode is for you. Jodielynn provides many actionable steps that you can take to attract more money into your life.
About Jodielynn Craven
For a decade, JodieLynn Craven has served in a role of a financial advisor, financial educator, and creator of Abundance Consciousness ™ and the Fluid Money BluePrint ™ . With approximately 10million under management and managing a team of financial advisors, Jodielynn has advanced knowledge, experience, and expertise in modern financial structures and alternatively the mindset and energy behind money.
Her work in the energetics behind money, application of alternative money modalities, and her signature process The Fluid Money BluePrint ™ a step by step guide for Entrepreneurs who want to learn How To Consistently Attract Money and never feel like they are running out, has brought her into the spotlight among clients all over the globe.
Listen to the episode here
Three Takeaways from this episode!
- Pay attention to your beliefs about money because they could be sabotaging your financial success.
- Treat yourself as you’d treat your best friend because this will allow you to be kinder to yourself.
- Stop trying to force yourself to see reason. It’s okay to give yourself permission to feel how you feel.
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Your guide to this episode
2:28 JodieLynn answers if she is ordinary or Badass.
4:55 Hear how JodieLynn got out of an Unhealthy Relationship.
9:35 JodieLynn tells us a little bit about herself and talked about how to attract more money and abundance on autopilot.
11:48 how to find your money roadblocks that are getting in your way.
16:42 How your body’s automatic responses relate to money.
18:50 Your brain is designed to keep you safe.
22:51 Becoming your own best friend.
25:16 What you can learn from men and how it will help you.
28:47 What you can do to have “money magic.”
32:49 Hear was caused Jodielynn to experience adrenal fatigue.
38:46 Why it’s important to recognize your own temper tantrums and how you can deal with them.
41:46 JodieLynn’s tip for women in the arena fighting for the life they want.
Contact JodieLynn on Iher website at jodielynncraven.com
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